4 lessons on forgiveness that cover…
- What is forgiveness?
- How does God show forgiveness to me?
- How can I ask for forgiveness?
- How can I show forgiveness to others?
Each lesson includes…
- 1 40-minute Large Group lesson.
- 1 30-minute Small Group lesson for 3rd-5th grade.
- 1 30-minute Small Group lesson for K-2nd grade.
- Extra ideas in the back (because, you know, just in case).
- Materials lists for each lesson.
- Printable Large Group visuals.
- Printable Small Group visuals, activity sheets, and craft templates.
- Printable and email-friendly Parent Take-Home handouts.
- Full-color illustrations throughout the curriculum.
- Estimated times for each activity.
Why teach forgiveness?
Everybody needs to learn to forgive big and little hurts in their lives before those hurts turn into soul-poisoning resentment. Yet, everybody needs to learn how to ask for forgiveness because of the hurts they cause others and for sinning against a holy God.
Topics Include
- What are grudges and the consequences of hanging onto them.
- What Jesus did so that we can be forgiven for our sin.
- Why we should forgive others when they offend us.
- Practical steps to ask for forgiveness when you are in the wrong.
- And more!