Teacher Preparation for Lesson 1

Week 1 of 4. Each week is color-coded. The color of Week 1 is blue.

The Teacher Preparation speaks to the teacher at an adult’s level, deepening the lesson in the teacher’s heart and mind before he or she teaches the children.

These are the materials needed for this week’s Large Group (Lesson Part 1) and Small Group (Lesson Part 2, older and younger). If an item is used twice in a section (e.g., pencils are used in Older Students’ Illustration 1 and their Craft), it is only listed once in the weekly list.

These questions guide the teacher to self-reflect and internalize the lesson so that they are leading their students by example and not just by their words.

Teachers are encouraged to personalize their lesson, write reminders to themselves, or jot down their prayers.

Use your smart phone’s camera to scan the QR code and go to the Inspire Curriculum website for the activity sheets, craft templates, and lesson resources you’ll need.